You Are Not Born and You Never Die
How is it that we are never born and we never really die A woman whose father recently passed away is trying to understand the difference between life and death. She wonders when the transition between life and death happens and how. That is, what is the difference between the localised form of consciousness and universal consciousness She has also had an outofbody experience and wonders what is the difference between dying and sleeping or having an outofbody experience At what point does localised consciousness actually begin and end Rupert examines life and death through the lens of the universal consciousness before it assumes the activities of a finite mind. When consciousness commences with thinking and perceiving, it is as if the thinker puts on a virtual reality (VR) headset and localises itself as a separate subject of experience from whose perspective it views its own activity as the world. There is no inherent stuff called matter matter is simply what the activity of conscio