The Sands Are Calling Me The Chill You Need
, chill, chillmix, chillmusic I feel lost when I m in the desert. Not that I m lost. It s more like I m looking for Or maybe someone. It s like something is missing, missing from me. Maybe it s part of me that I have to find. I feel like something is guiding me. There s nothing else in the There s nothing here and yet I feel something is helping me. I can t see it but I feel it. Like it knows me. The sun is going down. I m Why I m here Is it because that I m looking for solitude Why not the mountains Or the forest. I can t find solitude in those places Why I m looking for it Is it because that I want to be alone Why do I want to be alone Is it because that I want to remember the past Or maybe to burn the I think about the things that I ve done but never about my sins. I m not here because of my sins. I m looking for something else. Something that I don t know. I see someone