Mona Lisa Da Vincis Use of Sacred Geometry
Art Education: Learn how to analyze Da Vinci s famous painting. Evidence that Da Vinci used Sacred Geometry (specifically, the ancient geometry used in the planning and construction of religious structures as well as for sacred spaces) to lay out his painting BEFORE he started to paint in order to align his model while using a camera obscura or camera lucida as suggested by David Hockney. Also, Da Vinci did the geometric drawings for De divina proportione (by mathematician Luca Paccioli) that provides a geometric analysis of the human face (see Wkipedia article). It is interesting to note that the pentagon is associated with the number phi, so is the positioning in the painting Mona Lisa. This number phi is also known as the perfect or golden ratio aka. 1. 61803399. The golden ratio is the believed to be beautiful as it is seen many places in nature along with the Fibonacci numbers (contributed by kontaktseistrup). This animated geometric analysis of the Mona Lisa based upon a modification of the o