The day of the beginning of a joint life: the first table and delicacies of lovers
The day of the beginning of life together: the first table and delicacies of lovers This movie narrates the story of a couple named Ostad Imran and Fereshte Khanum who start their first day of life together. Ostad Imran is a very hardworking and romantic person at the same time, and he goes to the city to get the necessary materials to build a bathroom. Meanwhile, Farshetha Khanam is busy cleaning the house and taking care of the children. For lunch, Farishte Khanam prepares a delicious meal and upon the return of Professor Imran, they spend the first day of their life together with joy and laughter. The suitable title of this movie can be The day of the beginning of life together: the first table and delicacies of lovers. This title accurately portrays the sweet and important experience of this couple on the first day of their life together and brings positive and pleasant feedback among the audience. , The day of the beginning of life together , The first t