Aged Like Milk
From about 1945 to 1970, large amounts of DDT were released into the air and on soil or water when it was sprayed on crops and forests to control insects. DDT was also sprayed in the environment to control mosquitoes. DDT was first synthesized in 1874, but it was not until 1939 that its insecticidal properties were discovered. Sherwin Williams began marketing DDT in a paintable form in the mid 1940 s under the trade name Pestroy. Production of DDT in 1971 in the United States was estimated to be 2 million kg. This represented a sharp decline from the 82 million kg produced in 1962, and from the 56 million kg produced in 1960. At the peak of its popularity in 1962, DDT was registered for use on 334 agricultural commodities and about 85, 000 tons were produced. The cumulative world production of DDT has been estimated as 2 million tons. As of January 1, 1973, all uses of DDT in the United States were canceled except emergency public health uses and a few other uses permitted on a casebycase basis. Curre