Prince Harry looked bored to bits on royal tour he misses fun he had before Meghan came along
Cheer up Harry it might never happen. .. or maybe it already has. I think our once favourite royal is bored to bits, fed up of this endless woke pantomime he now finds himself starring in. How else to explain his glumlooking expression during yet another tedious tour with his publicity hungry wife Even with the red carpet rolled out for him during his fauxroyal tour to South America, the Duke of Sussex often struggled to raise a smile. While his wife, Meghan, got into the salsa spirit with an almost permanent grin, the exiled Royal stood downcast by her side. Looking at the photos from the couples fourday trip to Colombia, it appears to me that Harry is a very unhappy man. Continue The Sun delivers breaking news, latest gossip and incredible exclusives around the world with hubs in London, New York, Scotland and Ireland. Covering topics f