House of X, Powers of X Part 1 Comic Dub
, comicdub, xmen, dawnofx, powersofx, houseofx Voice Actors Daryl Peck as Narrator and US Ambassador Josh Lee as Magneto and Sabretooth Twitter: Christina Amendola as Sophie Cuckoo Elizabeth Allis as Esme Cuckoo DilledPickles as Cyclops Youtube: as Mystique and Jean Grey Junk as Toad AgentBeans as British Ambassador Spidey as Chinese Ambassador Arno Capostagno as French Ambassador Twitter: Lola as Doctor Gregor Dexter Howard as Captain Mendel Twitter: Grace Trombs as Karima Catastrophe as Human Torch Chief Admiral Cheii as Mister Fantastic Twitter: Holly Harris as Invisible Woman Twitter: MildhotSauce as The Thing Kymboe as Sage Twitter: JimmyFlakes Cypher CCC: Jules Args as Female Ambassador Threepio as Young Mutant Joseph Bozlinski as Charles Xavier Twitter: Youtube: