Cam Clark performs We Are One from The Lion King 2
I m going to interrupt our regularly scheduled MotherDaughter Medley Mondays (on Tuesdays) for a different share. Today in light of everything thats going on right now no, not the virus, but the fear that can accompany it. I can speak to fear on a very personal level of a virus I contracted 3 decades ago. In 1990 I tested positive for HIV (as those of you who ve watched my show know). Every morning I awoke frightened, terrified and yet numb. My point in bringing this up is not to steal focus from our current crisis, but to tell you that once you have taken the known necessary steps to protect yourself and others from the Coronavirus, the best thing you can do is to stay calm. Do not let fear grab a hold of you. Stress is a killer. Practice acts of kindness. Benevolence. When you see strangers, smile directly at them. They will feel we do not know what lies ahead but I promise you that fear and dread will not alter the outcome and that stress can actually affect your immune s