Caught By The Camera No. 105 (1936)
Item title reads CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 105). Teddington, London. M, S of two dolls, and two toy monkeys. M, S of Gracie Fields playing peekaboo with Leslie Fuller s twin girls Anne and Sheila, it is their second birthday. M, S of Leslie and Gracie sat at a table with Renee Houston, the two women have the girls on their laps. Monty Banks comes over with cake tray and Gracie spills it over the table, Renee puts on a posh voice and tells her she s common, for which she apologises in similar tone. They laugh and joke. M, S of Judy Kelly sat at a table smoking a cigarette. M, S of Renee feeding Sheila and her teddy with cake. M, S as Anne puts a sausage ( ) in Leslie s mouth, another lady guest checks her face in the mirror. Mrs Fuller stands next to Leslie, and Monty Banks comes up again and puts cream on his moustache and chin from a bowl. Gracie tells him to go and let the dog lick it off. M, S of Gene Gerrard eating. M, S of Leslie and his wife holding the twins and telling them to say goodb