Blue Berets Mountains near Peshawar ( English subs), Голубые Береты В Горах Под Пешеваром (текст)
This song is about the Badaber Uprising, when Soviet and communist Afghan prisoners of war held captive by Afghan tеrrоrists, Pakistani forces, and American military advisors broke out in search of freedom, despite being vastly outnumbered. Unfortunately, none of the 52 prisoners survived, but according to some estimates, they managed to kill over 100 enemies using small arms and rockets captured from mujihadeen. This song s alternative title is 27 Апреля, or April 27th, the day this uprising occurred in 1985. Discord server: Patreon: Chords, Аккорды: Romanized russian lyrics: V gorah pod Peshavarom, v Pakistane, Reshiv pozor plenen ja krov ju smyt, V noch gruppa plennyh podnjala vosstan e, Chtoby hot den svobodnymi prozhit. Nas ne