Ultimate Best of Bushman Prank Compilation 2023
What up Bush Fam First I want to take the time to really thank each and everyone of you that supports me day in and day out. I want to thank each and every person you see in the video and even those that don t make it in the video play a huge role. You might hear them laughing or clapping in the background and I think it brings life to these videos. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you all It s been a journey to say the least and I still feel like I m just getting started Unfortunately I got rained out all week and wasn t able to film at all so I decided it was time for a Compilation video I haven t made a compilation video in a while and I edited this video so tell me how I did Hopefully you all enjoy it. Whenever I start making a video I never know how long it s going to be, I just try and make it long enough to where you and I can at least enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner while watching these videos without having to stop an