Piece by Piece Ft. Alex Volokhov
The Rampage broadcast shows you the dramatic final moments of the event, but it doesn t paint a full picture for the viewer. The stories that unfold in the weeks prior to those final moments often go untold; this film aims to tell those stories. Piece by Piece follows Alex Volokhov s journey through Rampage 2023; the build, the teamwork, the stressful first hits, and everything in between. Cinematography, Editing: Liam Morgan Starring: Alex Volokhov Presented by: Evoc Sports Build Team: Quinn Hanley, Kris Mcmechan Featuring: Alex Volokhov, Kris Mcmechan, Quinn Hanley, Kurt Sorge, Vicktors Vilks, Dave Satanove, Chris Dude Woiken, Sophie Volokhov Additional Shots: Jules Langeard, Redbull, Quinn Hanley Crash Photos: Matt Bruhns Music: The Blaze, Dope Lemon