WAR IS OVER Pre Oscars interview with Sean, Dave and Brad
Sean Ono Lennon with Dave Mullins and Brad Booker from ElectroLeague talk to Ross King and Angelique Jackson from ITV Watch the fulllength film in theatres in USA Canada: Winner of the OSCAR for Best Animated Short at the 96th Academy Awards and winner of the Annie Animation Award for Best Short Subject. Inspired by the Music of John Yoko is an antiwar story by Sean Lennon and Dave Mullins that features John Yokos iconic antiwar holiday song Happy Xmas (War Is Over). Directed by Dave Mullins, produced by Brad Booker and exec produced by Yoko Ono Lennon and Sean Ono Lennon with music by Thomas Newman, the film has been created as a coproduction of Lenono Music, ElectroLeague, WetaFX and Epic Games.