Is India Full Of Nazis , Swastikas in India
, shorts India is full of symbols, but the first thing western people notice when we arrive is that it is full of Swastikas In many countries, the use of swastikas is not only unaccepted by society these days, but its even forbidden by law, and with good reason Swastikas were the symbol used by Hitler and the German Nazi party responsible for the Holocaust, one of the most horrific moments in modern history where around 6 million Jews were murdered simply for being of that religion. The thing is, swastikas were around way before Hitler stole it and tilt it to make it a bit different. In fact, popular brands like Cocacola used to have them in their advertisement, and its because the original Swastika meaning is Well Being In india it still means that and it is still used with that meaning as a cultural and religious symbol. So if you ever go to india, dont fr