Пересохший ручей в Андах
In the dry season small streams in the foothills of the Andes are reduced to puddles, fish survive here holding on to wait for the rainy season. Check out this video showing Corydoras melanotaenia, Apistogramma macmasteri, Bujurquina mariae, Aequidens metae, Astyanax bimaculatus, Pyrrhulina lugubris, Steindachneria argentea, Hemigrammus sp. , Apeirodon orinocensis, and Parodon apolinari in nature. Check the Apistogramma alacrina habitat: Check out the Rio Guejar habitat: Index: 0:00 Introduction eastern slope of the Andes 0:24 Creagrutus, Parodon and Apeirodon in nature 0:59 the Corydoras habitat 1:07 the Corydoras puddle 1:27 Corydoras, Apistogramma and many others check out other Corydoras videos: CORYDORAS in nature CORYDORAS new species: CORYDORAS from the Cachimbo: SCLEROMYSTAX in nature: