Auto massages of body and face
Some simple ways to do self massaging. Our hands are the best, but some other little ones can be very helpful bringing great relaxation and feeling good. List below of some of the tools and products. I usually the morning start with a cold shower then 20 mn on a stand bike while reading my emails then I practice some Yoga where tapping with hands is very good and efficient. Sometimes I do the self massage just after the shower or just after Yoga or evening after my shower before bed, as I feel. I don t do the massage with tools everyday but it can be done, I apply oil everyday after my shower with my hands in an energetic way on my face and my body. You can use organic oils for body and face, the simplest is the best. I use here Garrigue, that carry well its name as it smells divine like wild bushes South of France of Corsica. .. an oil from that I love a lot Prickly pear base with essentials oils. You can get a 10 discount on their website with the code YAZ until august