The Evil Truth Behind Vaccine Passports
It s Time For Everyone To Wake Up As an unvaccinated person the only thing I have to say to the vaccinated is the following. If you want to go along with this Medical Apartheid then you go right ahead and do so. If you want to go along with your Covid Pass then you go right ahead and do so. You remember this, it was you that took my freedoms away based on a HOAX and a lie told to you by your Government and MSM and the rest of their comrades in arms and you went along with it. When all you vaccinated start dying from Vaccine related issues then when you start to realise your error s don t come to me looking for sympathy you will not get it from me you damn well deserve what you get DR34MC4TCH3R The vax DOES work it is doing what they intended it to do KILL people. the vax is the virus DO NOT exist you DO NOT get CovAids unless you get the Jab You can FULL descr here: