We Made a FAKE AI Bot in Valorant
I made Valorant Players think they were talking to an actual AI AI Bot also tried picking up girls in Valorant voice chat and hacking the Valorant lobby. Enjoy the funny voice chat moments First, my fake ai bot was talking to valorant players in valorant voice chat. There were some pretty hilarious interactions as I was pretending to be a fake ai bot and was trying my luck at picking up girls in Valorant. Sadly, my fake ai bot was rejected after attempting picking up girls in valorant, so he tried once more. After some funny moments, we pretended like my valorant ai bot was fed up, and he began his villain arc in which he hacked other Valorant characters. To pull off the prank, I played on my main Valorant account Oozern as well as my alt account named ValBot6900, and I queued up with some friends. Together, we crafted the identity of ValBot6900 by pretending he could control our accounts and hack our voice comms. None of the randoms knew we were qu