Elvis Stanic Naranca ( Metall Cover) The Witcher 3
Metall Cover to music from the game The Witcher 3 Naranca. This version of the song I think no one has ever heard. In the song, I played a little with the harmonic component, added a little of my own and it turned out this way. I will be glad if you leave your comment, I will be very interested to hear your opinion. I also leave here the lyrics of the song, maybe someone will come in handy. Naranca The Witcher 3 Oj, divojko, jabuko rumena, Parim da te, ma, naranča rodila. Nije mene naranča rodila, Za goru me je mat moja rodila. Bura mi je ziparinka bila, Zipjuć me je va morje stavjala. Mornari me va mrižu lovili Prodali me biloj Katarini. Katarina dobra žena bila Ka je mene ma bilu odgojila. Z bilim kruhom i crljenim vinom.