Vacation House Design Between Pine Forest And Lake
At its heart, this vacation house is about creating a place where a young family can gather away from the city to enjoy the outdoors and build a legacy of memories. Located on the ecotone, or border, between a Ponderosa pine forest and lake, the home is a framework for the family to experience nature. The house emphasizes the crossing point between these two ecological zones a distinct yet subtle marker of the familys presence and legacy. The homes materiality helps it fold into the landscape. Exterior siding of reclaimed Barnwood will silver as it weathers, weaving the home into the forest. The center of the home is the openplan living and dining area, which has doubleheight guillotine window walls on either side. From afar, this transparency allows for views through the home to the lake beyond. When both window walls are open, the effect is of a single plinth floating above the forest floor. Native plantings grow up to the homes edges, and a screened porch on the south end opens to a co