Good Wolf by Shawna Ray
All music and video licensed and used with permission by Shawna Ray and the Wolf Conservation Center, with additional stock footage licensed and purchased through Adobe Stock. Link for more information, to watch live stream Wolf Cam and donate to support: For more information, and to donate to the Wolf Conservation Center: Good Wolf Singer, Songwriter, Video Producer: Shawna Ray Booking, Inquiries: YouTube ShawnaRay Instagram Shawna Ray shawnashares Published by Rhythm Ray Records: Rhythm Ray GoodWolf, produced by Elliott Didur, High Horizon Entertainment: SONG LYRICS: Good Wolf Good Wolf Soundtrack for short film by Shawna Ray In support of the Wolf Conservation Center in Salem, NY Acoustic track on Shawna Rays Catch 22 Album, ASCAP 2020 All rights owned by Shawna Hansen, aka Shawna Ray, Rhythm Ray, authorized sync license I am a wolf in