Tiësto Karol G Dont Be Shy
Tiësto Karol G Don t Be Shy Stream, DL: tiesto karolg Dont Be Shy Starring blakewebber : Music Video out now Director: christianbreslauer Executive Producer: lluuggaaaa christhedirector Producer: miketheproducer Associate Producer: Line Producer: nickybonez Production manager: blaisedoce Production Coordinator: anthonynelson Production Company: luckybastardsinc londonalley Tiesto Mgmt: bobasicgram Karol G Mgmt: andresfdelgado yegiraldo Commissioners: wynterstar philbotti Label: atlanticrecords Director of Photography: nykallen 1st AD: makingmovesmorales 2nd AD: J Dash Steadi Cam: Jorge Bustamonte 1st AC A Cam: Juan Carlos 2nd AC: Diego rojas Techno Crane: Audio, Playback: Guillermo Ursini BTS: Bugsy Rodriguez Gaffer: eastsidemovie BBE: Franky Flietes