PM Alexander Graebe Context First: What Context Platforms teach us about great experiences
Регистрируйтесь на CodeFest: Наш Телеграмканал: t. me, cdfst Stop thinking of your platform as a solution to improve user s life as a whole and focus instead on life contexts to create memorable user experiences. This talk will outline the concept of Context Platforms and the value of openness and extensibility. What does Facebook, Alexa, Yelp, Airbnb, and Uber have in common They all provide experiences that make your life easier and more enjoyable. We use platforms like these as part of our life with a very specific context in mind. At Uber, we call them Life Context Platforms. Great Context Platforms leverage a unique life context and optimize it for the best possible experience. However, the best Context Platforms also enable thirdparty applications to leverage that unique life context through an open and extensible ecosystem. These thirdparty applications, also called Agents, can be a stepping stone into a different life context. Agents allow connecting