LORD Of The LOST Priest (official video 2021)
Music Lyrics by Eike Freese, Chris Harms , 7 Album: Lord of the Lost Judas Date of Release: LORD Of The LOST (Hamburg, Germany) est. 2007 Industrial Gothic Metal Band Members: Chris Harms Vocals, Guitars, Cello; Gared Dirge Keys; Pi Guitars; Class Grenayde Bass; Niklas Kahl Drums, Percussion Additional: Gergana Dimitrova Etherial vocals; Eike Freese Guitars (acoustic) Choir: Scarlet Dorn, MajorVoice, Benjamin Mundigler, Niklas Turmann Corvin Bahn Strings: Stefania Yankova, Hristo Arolski, Viktor Traykov, Petar Kushlev, Julia C. Pfänder Label: Napalm Records (YPD 290421)