Go down, Moses
Go down, Moses sung by Louis Armstrong. With lyrics, Russian translation and some information about the song. The ending says: Let My people go is a phrase from the Bible, the Book of Exodus, in which Moses demanded from the pharaoh to free the Jews out of the egyptian slavery. And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, thus saith the LORD, let my people go, that they may serve (Exodus 8, 1) After the pharaoh had refused to let them go, Egypt sufferred different disasters ( plagues of Egypt ), which forced the pharaoh to let the Jews to leave the country. At the time of slavery in the USA this phase was sounded in the songs of African slaves (Negro spirituals). In the XX century the song Go down Moses was performed by american singer Paul Robeson and jazzman Louis Armstong. In the song Israel symbolizes africanamerican slaves, Egypt and pharaoh slaveholders. The song was an anthem