Friday Night Funkin VS Nikku FULL WEEK, Hotline 024 Medley Update ( FNF Mod, Monika, ENA, Majin Sonic)
Friday Night Funkin VS Nikku Full Week (Hotline 024 The Medley Update DEMO) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we battle Nikku and characters from different mods. Saruky Hotline 024 Director: Nikku is back with a whole remastered version of the first demo. it includes a whole new set of songs, stages, secrets, and a bunch of familiar faces. We have Ena who appeared in a mod leak last year, Monika and Yuri from Doki Doki Takeover, Doki Doki Literature Club, Majin Sonic from Sonic CD, but the one in this mod is called Mazin, Sussy Bussy from Imposter V4, V3, Xigmund from martian mixtape, Boo from Don t Get Spooked, momo gogo and many more. I ll be playing Vs Nikku on very hard mode for all VS her songs. Will GF BF beat this new foe or will Boyfriend Girlfriend lose (shh, secret yt url: xIKRVd0N3b8) Hotline 024 Mod Download: Game Note: Meet Nikku, an alien girl that crashed on earth an