Let us introduce you the next contestant Maria Belun She is representing Latvia She is 21 years old. Maria is a very ope
Let us introduce you the next contestant Maria Belun She is representing Latvia She is 21 years old. Maria is a very open, kind and purposeful person. The contestant played in the theatre, participated in contests of readers, practised ballroom dances, played tennis, developed and worked in marketing. Then Maria decided to learn languages and at the moment she is a student of the University of Latvia, at the faculty of French philology. Competition for Maria is a step forward in finding herself. Еxpand the horizon, test herself, as well as overcome fear and love, enough to show everyone that she deserves to win. Finalist Sponsor: VAB Oils VAB Oils is a LV based company that exists since 2010. The task of company is to provide oil and aviation fuel supply services to their customers at the best prices and in the most convenient for the customer terms. Позвольте представить вам следующую участницу конкурса Мария Белун, которая представляет Латвию. Ей 21 год. Мария очень