Memorial To Americans (1958)
Full title reads: St. Paul s. Memorial To Americans. St. Paul s Cathedral, London. GV Procession coming down the aisle. SV Pan, Queen Elizabeth II walking with American Vice President Richard Nixon and behind them Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh with Mrs Pat Nixon. LV of the American Memorial Chapel altar with 28, 000 names. GV Procession making its way to the American Memorial chapel. SV The Queen walking with Mr Nixon towards chapel. LV Procession taking up position in chapel. SV Lord Baillieu walks forward to invite the Queen to unveil the memorial. SV Queen about to unveil memorial. CU Memorial unveiled. LV Bugler playing Taps. SV The Queen and Mr Nixon walk past and look at the tablet, followed by the Duke and Mrs Nixon. CU Roll of Honour book. CU President Dwight Eisenhower s signature on book (end of Taps ). GV Old Glory Stars and Stripes flag being carried down the aisle by a soldier, marine and airman, as The Star Spangled Banner is played, pan to back view. GV Choir and t