sage help your team
Using my 200iq Sage Walls, I can win any game and rank up super easily Using my Sage Wall and insane aim, I make all of my enemies rage and can solo carry my team to get the win in every ranked game My big brain sage plays are just too overpowered in Valorant The only thing I hate about playing sage is being backseated. Everyone thinks they can play sage and tell me what to do. LIKE I KNOW HOW TO PLAY SAGE I appreciate all of you that watched the video and don t forget to check out my twitch below and Subscribe as I post everyday, Love you guys , , Twitch: Twitter: Discord: sage help your team , valorant, montage, sagehelpyourteam, Paranoia, sage, grim, valorantsage, valoranthighlights, valorantsagemontage, grimmontage, valorantmontage, valorantmoments, valorantguide, sagevalorant, sagemontage, cheat