Wrestle Pro Where Brooklyn At
1. Dan Maff vs. LSG 2. Hotdog Starkes vs. JHeru 3. AJ Radical (c) vs. Nikos Rikos (907 Pro Wrestling Title Match) 4. TJ Crawford vs. GKM 5. Bear Country (Bear Boulder Bear Bronson) (c) vs. The Carnage Crew (DeVito Loc) (WrestlePro Tag Team Title Match) 6. Anthony vs. Vargas 7. Lady Frost vs. Freya The Slaya (WrestlePro Women s Title Tournament Semi Final Match) 8. Dan Maff vs. Fallah Bahh vs. LSG vs. Dark STG vs. Craig Steele vs. Hotdog Starkes vs. Juan Jeremy vs. Nikos Rikos vs. Stevie Jay vs. Victor Benjamin vs. TJ Crawford vs. Leo Sparrow vs. Adam Kirkland vs. vs. vs. AJ Radical vs. Au Jus Du vs. Brandon Downey vs. Colton Charles vs. El Magnifico vs. GKM vs. JHeru vs. MSG vs. Nick Sckythe vs. Rayna Malvada vs. Skylar Mac vs. Traxx vs. Wavy Will vs. Yoscifer El vs. Zander Torres (WrestlePro Interim Gold Title Rumble Match (vakant))