The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Passion, WMSCOG, Church of God
The Feasts of the Old Testament Serve as a Mirror and a Shadow of What Will Happen in the New Testament The Feast of Unleavened Bread in the Old Testament commemorated the hardships the Israelites experienced 3, 500 years ago; after keeping the Passover, they came out of Egypt the following day and went through hardships until they crossed the Red Sea. This served as a shadow of the pains, and sacrifices that Jesus Christ would undergo; after keeping the Passover, He suffered and was crucified the following day. The Members of the Church of God Carry Their Crosses in the Essence of the Feast of Unleavened Bread Being denied and betrayed by the disciples who had claimed, We will follow You even to death, being mocked and ridiculed by numerous adversaries, and finally being crucified on the crossthis is the suffering Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit, went through 2, 000 years ago. Now is the time when we need faith that realizes His lov