Maya Plugins Scripts for Animation
today we are going to talk about 13 plugins and scripts for animation in Maya that can aid you to create different animation styles for characters, animals, creatures, and vehicles or anything else you want to animate. probably there are more tools out there but here is a list of useful ones that you might need. 13bh waveit bhwaveIt is an animation tool for Maya which speeds up the process of blocking in simple wave motion for things like tails, capes and anything else that might need it. 12Studio Library it is a free tool for managing poses and animations in Maya, Studio Library is able to store animations so if youve got poses, you can select sets and click on specific poses, and it brings it straight up. 11bh path Anim bhpathAnim is a flexible tool for path animation in Maya. The goal behind path Anim was to make it simple and intuitive to attach any rig, with any number of limbs and body controls, to a path and animate it walking or running along with it. 10