Gripping the Guandao
In this video, I discuss a unique polearm grip that is often used for Guandao. I had a nasty cold, cough when I filmed this, so thats why my voice was off and I had to edit out a lot of coughs. It might have been covid Secretly Transmitted Methods of the Guandao is my series for discussing all things Guandao. The Guandao is a weapon that has been used in Chinese martial arts for several centuries. It is a pole weapon with a large crescent blade at one end and a spike at the other end. I examine the Guandao from the perspectives of traditional and historical martial arts, history, performance, and religion. References, links: Heres Matt Eastons (Schola Gladiatoria) video on the European Poleaxe: He talks about leading with the butt end at around 15:50. Cheng Zi Yi 程子頤. Wubei yaolüe 武備要畧. 1632. Available at Wikimedia commons: upload. w