MSPAINT Titan of Hope Official Video
MSPAINT s debut LP, PostAmerican, comes out March 10th on Convulse Records. Preorder the record and stream Titan of Hope at Directed by Derek Rathbun (derekfilms) DP: David Mejia (daavidmejiaa) Lyrics: Watch how I stray from the path Now Im conjuring alchemy, Mind slowly disintegrating: its a complex Inherit death like a birthright Eyes open up but your spirit stays closed tight Inherit death like a birthright Eyes open up but your spirit stays closed tight Opening up to the way that we feel The hardest things to speak on are real Were not scared anymore Were not scared anymore and this mindset is a Titan of Hope Let your mind out that gate Let your mind out Just might find out My mind set is a Titan of hope Follow MSPAINT: Twitter Instagram