5 K Amsterdam Amersfoort Vathorst CABVIEW HOLLAND SNG 13mei 2021
Read about supporting CABVIEW HOLLAND below This is the route I probably ride the most and it has been a long time since I filmed this ride. The ride is 51 km long and the average speed is 55 kph. Who is the first to find the thumbnail Enjoy Dit is het traject dat ik waarschijnlijk het meest rijd en het is alweer lang geleden dat ik deze rit heb gefilmd. De rit is 51 km lang en de gemiddelde snelheid is 55 kpu. Onderweg komt er nog een alarmoproep binnen. Wie is de eerste die de thumbnail weet te vinden Veel kijkplezier Donate: DONATE Dear followers Making highquality videos for you costs a lot of time and money. However, your daily flow of positive responses make it worthwhile. If you would like to help me out, you can For example, by promoting my videos on social media. Or adding subtitles. Additionally, you can also help by answering quest