Savitri Marg Darshan 7th offering
Celebrating Sri Aurobindos 150th birth anniversary: Project Savitri Marg Darshan offers a meditative experience centered on selected passages of Savitri read by seekers who have immersed themselves into Savitri for many years. Accompanied by original music and visuals, each Savitriinspired video will be released on every important date of Sri Aurobindos life leading to His 150th birth anniversary, August 15th, 2022. Here is our final 7th offering released on Sri Aurobindo s birthday, August 15th 2022 Book I: The Book of Beginnings Canto III: The Yoga of The Soul s Release Pages 4445 Each of the 7 offerings will be released on Know Your Rhythms YouTube channel, also featured on our website . Manoj Das Gupta: voice Sevastiana Korotynskaia: violin Andreas Heggling: yoga nidra ananta, tibetan bowls Svetalana Sherka: photography students of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education: AUM chanting chorus Shashwat Parhi,