NONSTOP Lower Abs Workout 8 Minute Follow Along
Add strength and definition to your lower abs in just 8 minutes a day 16 of the best exercises to strengthen the lower abdominals and carve out more lower abs definition. Youll feel this lower abs workout for days now lets get to work LINK TO JAREDS EXERCISE MAT: For most people, the lower abs are the hardest to train. This is because most of the traditional ab workouts dont really do much to target this area. In order to strengthen this area and get your lower abs to show up there are a few things you need to do differently in your training. First of all let me be VERY clear this is NOT a Lose Belly Fat video In fact if you came here to tone your belly fat youre absolutely in the wrong place. First of all its impossible to spot treat fat. If youre going to lose fat you do it from your whole body, not just the area youre training. Second the best approach to losing belly fat is found in the kitchen, not the gym. If you really wa