Father Back in the 1980s, I first heard from him that there would be a war and that Ukraine and Russia would be at wa
Father Back in the 1980s, I first heard from him that there would be a war and that Ukraine and Russia would be at war, says Hieromonk Evlampy, Parson of Ss Constantine and Helena s Church. Back then, it was hard to believe these words. Yet, almost 40 years later, this and many of Zosima s other prophecies have come true. The Ukrainian army deliberately shells churches and priests, and fascist ideology sees a resurgence. Everything he said is now going on before our eyes, believes Sister Mariamna. What other predictions did the Donbass prophet make, and which ones are still to unfold Father Zosima: Testament of a Donetsk Seer, 2024, Donbass Source: Lord Of War t. me, llordofwar