Lilith: Dark Feminine Archetype Anthology Overview
Temple of Ascending Flame Founder and Leader, Asenath Mason, discusses the 4th Anthology released by the Temple Lilith: Dark Feminine Archetype. This anthology brings together essays, rituals, and unique artwork dedicated to the Queen of the Night and the Dark Goddess of the Qliphoth. Denied and rejected, worshiped and venerated, Lilith has been a part of the Western culture for ages. Viewed as both a beautiful seductress and a ruthless demon, she is the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, the first woman, and the primary initiatrix into the mysteries of the dark side of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Her rites are the works of love and pain, sex and transgression, transcendence and immanence, for she exists at the roots of all desire of all humans past, present, and future. This archetype has never been fully grasped in its profundity and is constantly unfolding, challenging us to recognize our fears and passions and to transform them into tools of power. Purchase Lilith Dark Feminine Archetype: Am