Project I. G. I 1 Editor 0. 3 Object, Weapons, Live Editor BIG UPDATE
Project I. G. I 1 Editor is all in one IGI 1 Editor which lets you add, remove objects A. I Player and design your custom level in the game. and lets you upload, download your missions to server and share with friends. Editor sections. Level Editor Add or remove Building, Objects in level. Object Editor Remove or restore objects from level. LIVE EDITOR SUPPORT Human Editor Update human Speed, Jump, Health Scale peek and more. LIVE EDITOR SUPPORT Weapon Editor Add or remove new weapons in level. LIVE EDITOR SUPPORT A. I Editor Add new Friendly, Enemy A. I into level with various properties. Misc Editor Reset, Remove levels and cutscene and Export level data, Set FPS, Game Music and more. Editor features. Live Editor is real time editor which can edit, add, remove objects weapons in real time without need of restart the level. IGI Editor Key: To use this editor you will require key so you have to send request using email and mention your PCUSERNAME to identify yourself. Subject : IGI 1 Editor Key D