In Pearys Footsteps No 9 (1933)
North Pole. Titles read: IN PEARY S FOOTSTEPS (No 9) in company with bluff old Captain Bob Bartlett, companion to Peary, when he made his dash for the The building of the Peary memorial at Cape York, Greenland, was a struggle between Man and the elements. In this final instalment Captain Bob discovers the work which finished in the face of Arctic blasts a touching tribute to the discoverer of the North L, S of huskies and Eskimos. M, S two Eskimos carrying water, they pour it into barrel. M, S and C, U of man mixing mortar. Eskimos collecting stone. M, Ss of Eskimos hauling stones to the top of the monument by winch. Several shots of masons at work. Two men place copper tube full of Peary s records in the corner stone. C, U of the corner stone. M, Ss of Bartlett standing with Peary s daughter next to monument. L, S of large letter P on the side of monument. The plaque is unveiled, Bartlett point at it. C, U of the plaque remembering Robert Edwin Peary. L, S of the team packing up to le