Out Takes, Cuts From Cp 708 The Land Of Fairy Tales (1968)
Cuts (out takes, rushes) for story in Colour Pictorial CP 708. The original story is also on Pathe Master Tape PM0451. Cuts for story THE LAND OF FAIRY TALES in CP 708. Mostly similar footage to the cut story showing the sights and delights of Denmark; more footage of people having fun on the lakes. A different sequence shows a sculpture of a man ( ) sleeping (or dead ) with a nightcap on could be something to do with Hans Christian Andersen More shots in Odense and Legoland. Different shots of the Danish countryside, very green and lush. Various shots of boats in a harbour and sailing on the water; a fishing boat and a liner or ferry (seems to be called Winston Churchill ) are seen going by. On a farm ( ) a little boy sits on a tractor and pretends to drive it. Several shots of building work on two huge columns beside the water. In some kind of stage show before a large crowd, a girl contortionist bends backwards with a flower in her mouth; a couple do balancing tricks she stands