Prays to answered Prayer amen
In seven days of the agreement to this Prayer, your unanswered Prayer will be done by the promise of the Covenant Pastors Releasing the power of the Messiah and His angels in and on your financial wealth on earth. Petty differences should be set aside; we must unite against our common enemy, Satan. Amen. Send Your donations to the ProphetMikael, Cash App for battle and victory over all evil amen. Or mail to Pastor Whitlock 3225 South Pecos Rd. Unit 249 Las Vegas NV. 89121, prosperity, bible, promise , Angels, ,SpiritualGuidance, ,DivineAssistance, ,Faith, ,Protection, ,AngelProtection, ,HeavenlyHelp, ,SpiritualWarfare, ,PrayerPower, ,GuardianAngels, ,HeavenlyGuidance, ,SpiritualAwakening, ,DivineIntervention, ,FaithInAction, ,Miracles, ,AngelMessages, ,HolyGuardians, ,AngelicGuidance, ,SpiritualJourney, ,Godsmesseges