You can always find my shop as you walk down the street in moscow cuz youll hear country music or 1950s rock n roll blasting my shop is like none other here and many Russians stop in amazed and then they find out I left losangeles and America to open here and they seem very surprised and ask why did you move here to russia In amazement they say this then I say cuz this country is paradise and land of the free you see that beautiful street out front everything I cant stand about living in America aint here lol I say if this was losangeles Id have 2 men kissing right there or a man in a dress or a crackhead begging for change or an illegal alien passed out on the sidewalk drunk and human defies of pee and poop on the sidewalk and I dont need a gun here at my shop then they look horrified and in disgust when I tell them that and say really I thought America was nice then they say isnt America nice and awesome I thought it was cuz of everythings see on tv I say absolutely not and its defin