POSEIDON Part 1 Ocean Lament Sims 3 Machinima
My Simstagram: PART 2: Deutsche Untertitel: Klick auf den CC Button unten rechts :) Hello everyone, Here it finally is, my movie for SIFF Fall 2015, i really hope you enjoy it Part 2 will hopefully be released for Siff Spring 2016; ) Thank you to my wonderful Voice Actors: POSEIDON BlooCerix SHEA HemeraSims MEGARA Rae VA ATHEA McflyVampire45 ZEUS Tysonater MOIRA: IceAngelTV JARO: Gimbitmen STRANGER: Br0kenEnglishVA SLAVE: Tysonater Worlds: Isla Paradiso Ink Praven Animations by: MintoratyCat Christie L. MoreSims3Productions Charlotte Bankoff Tali Sims Morgan TheBlackillusions ApocalypticDogFilms lyramiamovies DNLfilms