10 Jacobite Songs from Scotland
Nov 30th is the feast of St. Andrew. St. Andrew s Day is to the Scots what St. Patrick s day is to the Irish. Being Partially Scotch I decided to celebrate with some Jacobite music. Songs in the order they apear in the video Wha ll be King but Charlie Hey Johnny Cope Wi A Hundred Pipers And A White Cockade Rise, Rise, Fight for Prince Charlie It Was All For Our Rightful King Speed Bonnie Boat (Skye Boat song) Will Ye No Come Back Again Loch Lomond Wae s Me For Prince Charlie English The Jacobite risings, also known as the Jacobite rebellions or the War of the British Succession, 1 were a series of uprisings, rebellions, and wars in Great Britain and Ireland occurring between 1688 and 1746. The uprisings had the aim of returning James II of England and VII of Scotland, the last Catholic British monarch, and later his descendants of the House of Stuart, to the throne of Great Br