ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ О СРАБАТЫВАНИИ Гость пилот Nacht Waffen Джозеф Пауэлл Nacht Waffen Pilot Guest Joseph Powell 2 5 202
For my first podcast postop, I had Joseph Powell step up to talk about his time at both Antarctica and Montauk, the issues of twinning or creating an artificial Twin Flame through trauma bonding. The reality of sex used for both punishment and reward at Montauk. This very much has the feel of a counseling session rather than an expose. I started off with a short rant about several topics. I am still not released postop by my doctor. Joseph was getting over a cold. We talked like friends who have been through similar hells. Joseph W. Powell is an Empath who was inducted into an MK ultra program in 19971998 at the age of eight while attending The Desert Adventist Academy. He served in Solar Warden, The Ashtar Galactic Command Nacht Waffen. Joseph is available on FB. His group there is: To contact Penny: A freetojoin modern forum site, registration best done from a computer. Radio show is Saturdays 24 pm P