Alexei Stanchinsky, Nocturne (1907) Concert Creator
Alexei Stanchinsky 18881914 Pianist: Robert Henry Sheet music About the composer From a young age Stanchinsky was a gifted musician, composing and performing his first works at the age of six years. At the age of 16, he continued to develop his skills by taking lessons from music educators such as Josef Lhévinne and Konstantin Eiges for piano, and Nikolai Zhilyayev and Alexander Grechaninov for counterpoint, harmony, and composition. At the age of 19, Stanchinsky entered the Moscow Conservatory to continue his musical studies with Taneyev and Igumnov to assist his musical growth. Stanchinsky had always shown great promise as a musician even at a young age, but was often viewed as unstable and a victim of his own nerves. This became very prominent when his father died in 1910, as Alexei became quite delusional and suffered from this state for many a brief hiatus from music, Stanchinsky returned to his root