WHEN THE FOG LIFTS, HEALING ADOPTEES, Adoption fog blog by TRA Adoptee Donna Marie
This video explains my experience of when the fog lifts. The adoption fog that I didn t even know existed until I turned 50 As each month passes I realise I am not alone. Many adult adoptees are going through the same deep and painful discovery that we now know comes from our adoption. Here are the videos I mentioned, you can also see more videos over on my other channel Searching for Truth. FINDING MY BIRTH FAMILY I did this talk 5 years ago when I was deep in the adoption fog. In the notes, I wrote Through many twists and turns, I did eventually find what I was looking for, thankfully I also found myself along the way My thoughts now are WOWSERS I HAD NO CLUE WHAT WAS IN STORE 5 YEARS LATER REAL TALK ADOPTION TRAUMA THE PRIMAL WOUND, REAL TALK, PODCAST, WITH KATHY BRADLEY I was just coming out of the fog when I recorded this video