How to Belly Dance BEGINNER TUTORIAL ( Slide n Shimmy) Jensuya Belly Dance
Online Course: How to Belly Dance at Home Beginner Tutorial (Slide n Shimmy) is belly dancer Jensuya teaching belly dance moves step by step accompanied by live Middle Eastern drumming. In this at home belly dance class, Jensuya teaches the classic moves Hip Slide and Vertical Hip Shimmy layered with belly dance arm movements. You will learn to dance moves to the belly dance rhythm Beledi, played live by Robert Peak. If you like How to Belly Dance at Home Beginner Tutorial (Slide n Shimmy), enroll in our online course in learning how to belly dance, Introduction to Belly Dance at Help us to continue making videos like How to Belly Dance at Home Beginner Tutorial (Slide n Shimmy) by clicking the like button and subscribing to our channel. Copyright, Robert Peak and Jennifer CarpenterPeak, 2021. Filmed on location in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, USA. RELATED